MAFIC SPACE, BARCELONA weekend workshop – October 19th & 20th 2019
I cannot believe it has taken me this long to hold a workshop in the city where I live! And it was so nice to host my first ever Barcelona city centre workshop all byself, with other yoga studio attached to it, no other brand attached to it. Just me and my mat, and a beautiful group of fellow yogis that wanted to spend the weekend practicing with me.
This weekend, I had just come back from my Module 4 Teacher Training in Hong Kong, so I chose to share 2 of the sequences that we had learnt and practiced while I was out there. They were intense sequences: (Detox Series & the Hanuman series).
The workshop was across 2 days. And I was glad to see that most people joined me on both days. 19th & 20th of October. I prefer to do these back to back workshops, as they allow people to see the amount of focus, dedication and discipline they need to put into their own lives to achieve something.
These weekends are just a taster of what a regular practice could be like. They are also a taster of what we practice in Navakarana Vinyasa. Which is a unique method of yoga, that works on particular parts of the body each series. Right now, Navakarana has 12 series shared with all teachers of Navakarana. And with each Workshop (Taller) that I do, I try and vary the series each time.